Editing and Deactivating a Flow
You can edit flows as needed, whether they are in a Draft, Active, or Inactive status in the Flows app.
Link copiedEditing a flow
You can edit a flow to add new steps, adjust the timing of messages, and more.
To edit a flow, select the flow in the Flows app.
Select Edit flow to edit the flow.

If you edit an active flow and add a new step, clients will only complete that step if they have not already passed that point in the flow run.

Link copiedDeactivating a flow
Once a flow is deactivated, you will still be able to see flow details & statistics for the flow.
To deactivate a flow, select the flow in the Flows app.
Select Deactivate from the "..." menu.

Specify whether you want to cancel any flow runs that are currently in progress and select Confirm.
Cancel flow runs: Select this option to stop any further messages from being sent by this flow.
Keep flow runs: Select this option to continue sending messages to clients who have already started a flow run, but do not allow any other clients to start a flow run.

Once a flow is deactivated, it will have a status of Inactive in the Flows app if any flow runs were started.

If you need to re-activate a flow, select Edit flow > Activate.
To remove an inactive flow, select Archive.

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