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Receive a Purchase Order Delivery

After receiving a partial or full shipment from your supplier, you will need to update your purchase order with the shipment quantity for your inventory to be properly updated.

Receiving partial deliveries

Partial deliveries can happen when products are out of stock or the supplier sends products in multiple shipments.

To receive a partial delivery, go to the Purchase Orders screen and select the purchase order to update.

In the Received column, enter the quantity received per product and select Save.

Your product inventory will be updated automatically.

Repeat these steps as you receive the other shipments. Then, close the purchase order once all products are received by selecting Close from the "..." menu.

Receiving full deliveries

To receive a full delivery, go to the Purchase Orders screen and select the purchase order to update.

Select Receive All & Close, and then select Confirm.

Once closed, the purchase order is marked as Fully received, and all product inventory is updated.

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