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How can I send custom email campaigns to my clients with active memberships?

You can send email campaigns to your clients with active memberships using either our Email Marketing feature or our Mailchimp integration.

Sending email campaigns using Mailchimp

Once you've set up your Mailchimp integration, you can send emails to your clients who have an active membership. To do this, create an audience segment in Mailchimp for clients with active memberships.

In Mailchimp, go to Audience > Segments. Click Create segment.

In the Segment builder, enter a name for the segment, such as Active Memberships.

Add the segment filters shown below and select Review segment.

Review the details of your segment and select Save segment. Any clients with new memberships will be added to this segment automatically.

When sending an email in Mailchimp, you can now send the email to the Active Memberships segment.

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