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Adding Resource Requirements to Services

After creating a resource, you can add the resource as a requirement for a service. You can add as many resource requirements to a service as needed.

To add a resource requirement to a service, go to Settings > Services. Add a new service or select an existing service.

Select the Resources tab. Select Add resource requirement.

Select a resource group and specify which resources from the group can be used to fulfill this resource requirement.

  • All resources: Any resource from the selected group can be used to fulfill this resource requirement. If you select this option, keep in mind that any resources added to this resource group in the future will also fulfill this resource requirement.

  • Specific resources: Select which resource(s) can be used to fulfill this resource requirement. Selecting two resources, for example, indicates that either of those two resources can fulfill this requirement. To require both resources, you will need to split them into two different resource groups and add them both as separate requirements.

Select Save to add the resource requirement to the service. To add another resource requirement, select Add resource requirement.

Once a resource requirement is added to a service, the system will automatically check during the booking process to see if the resource requirement can be fulfilled.

  • If the resource is available, it will be automatically assigned.

  • If the resource is unavailable or the requirement cannot be fulfilled, a message is displayed in the appointment details indicating the resource is unavailable. In online booking, clients will be unable to book the service if the resource is unavailable.

Learn how you can create services that do not require staff members.

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