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Archiving a Staff Member

This article covers how to archive and unarchive a staff member. Once a staff member is archived, they will no longer have access to Mangomint.

  • Archived staff members will not appear in the Payroll report, Staff reports, or Business Intelligence reports, even if they performed services during the selected time period. We recommend exporting these reports before archiving a staff member. Alternatively, you can unarchive a staff member to run reports and then archive the staff member again.

  • Sales for archived staff members will continue to appear in Sales and Payment reports.

Archiving a staff member

Before archiving a staff member who is paid via Payroll Processing, you will need to remove the staff member from your payroll.

To archive a staff member, go to Settings > Staff Members and select the staff member to archive.

Select Archive from the "..." menu.

Unarchiving a staff member

To unarchive a staff member, go to Settings > Staff Members and select Show Archived Staff at the bottom of the staff member list.

Select the staff member to unarchive and select Re-Activate.

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