Creating Gift Card Promotions
A gift card promotion allows you to sell a gift card for a discounted price. For example, you can create a Black Friday promotion to sell a $230 gift card for only $200.
To learn more about creating gift card promotions, watch our on-demand Gift Cards & Promotions webinar.
For gift card promotion ideas and examples, visit our blog.
Link copiedCreate a gift card promotion
To make gift card promotions available for clients to purchase online, make sure you’ve set up digital gift cards before continuing.
To create a gift card promotion, open the Gift Cards app and select Settings > Promotions.
Select Add a promotion.

Enter the details of the gift card promotion.
Display name: Enter the name of the promotion the client sees when purchasing the promotion online. This name is displayed in the automated email message sent to the gift card recipient.
Make sure you enter a brief but descriptive name for the promotion so the client understands what the promotion includes, such as which services can be purchased with the gift card. Including the service in the Display name will be helpful when viewing the gift card details in the Gift Cards app so you know which service can be purchased with the gift card. A descriptive Display name is also helpful for reporting purposes.
Description: Enter a description for the promotion the client sees under the promotion’s Display name. You can include details such as the gift card value, redemption and expiration dates, eligible services, etc. This description is included in the automated email message sent to the gift card recipient.
Gift card value: Enter the value of the gift card.
Sale price: Enter the amount the client must pay to purchase the gift card.
Start date: Enter the date when the promotion will become available for clients to purchase online. For example, you can create a Black Friday promotion ahead of time by setting up the promotion at the beginning of November and setting the Start date to Black Friday. On Black Friday, the system will automatically make the promotion available for clients to purchase online.
End date: Enter the date when the promotion will no longer be available for clients to purchase online. If you enter an End date, the system will automatically remove the promotion from your website and online booking on that date. You can leave the End date blank if you have a promotion that clients can purchase throughout the year.
When you are done entering the promotion details, select Save.

Depending on the Start date and End date you specified, the promotion will be available for clients to purchase directly on your website or through your online booking. Clients can select the Buy a gift card button in online booking to view all available gift card promotions.

Link copiedRecurring gift card promotions
If you have a gift card promotion you’d like to offer more than once, you can update the Start date and End date. For example, if you run the same Black Friday promotion every year, you can reuse the same promotion in Mangomint and update the Start date and End date accordingly every year.

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