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Customizing Automated Messages

This article covers how to add custom text to your automated messages and how to change the timing of messages.

Learn more about enabling and disabling automated messages and how you can use multiple phone numbers for your automated text messages if you have multiple locations.

NoteCancellation policies should be added and adjusted separately by going to Settings > Calendar & Appointments > Cancellations. Once added, the policy will appear in all notifications.

Adding custom text to an automated message

To add custom text to an automated message (appointment preparations, directions to your business, links for review sites, etc.), go to Settings > Automated Messages and select the automated message category (Appointment Booked, Form Submitted, Memberships, etc.)

Select the gear icon next to the message.

Select Customize to edit the message. You can select the Preview tab to preview what the message will look like to clients.

You can also send yourself a test by selecting Send a test and entering your email address or phone number.

Changing the timing of an automated message

To change the timing of an automated message, use the pencil icon, or select Move from the "..." menu.

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