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Create and Send Marketing Emails to Clients

To create a marketing email, you must be an Admin user, or you must have the Can edit campaigns permission enabled in Staff Member settings.

Go to the Email Marketing screen. Select New Campaign to create a new email.

If you don’t see Email Marketing in the main menu, go to Settings > App Manager and enable the Email Marketing app. Learn more about the App Manager.


In the Settings tab of the email builder, update the email settings including the subject line and recipient list.

Select Advanced Options to set the Preview text if needed. This text is displayed directly below the subject line in the recipient’s inbox, as shown below.

In the Send campaign to section, specify the recipient list for the email.

  • All clients: Select this option to send the email to every client who is eligible for marketing emails.

  • Only certain clients based on filters: Select this option to only send the email to clients who match the filters you specify. Learn more about the available client filters.

Once you specify the recipient list, you can preview the clients who will receive the email.

  • The email will only be sent to clients who match the criteria now, not clients who will match the criteria at the time the email is sent.

  • The email will not be sent to clients who previously failed to receive one of your marketing emails.

Learn more about client eligibility for marketing emails.


In the Content tab of the email builder, build the email content by selecting from one of the available templates.

Merge tags can be used to personalize the email for each recipient. For example, when the email is sent, the First Name merge tag is replaced with the client’s first name, and the Business Address merge tag is replaced with your address from Settings > Business Setup > Locations.

Special links can be used to add an Unsubscribe link that allows the client to unsubscribe from your marketing emails.

After building an email, you can duplicate the email if needed. This allows you to easily send similar emails without having to recreate the same email every time. Learn how to duplicate an email.

Review & Send

In the Review & Send tab of the email builder, you can send the email immediately or schedule it to be sent at a later date and time.

To send or schedule an email, you must be an Admin user, or you must have the Can send campaigns permission enabled in Staff Member settings.

You can only send or schedule an email if:

  • You have enough marketing credits.

  • Your email content contains an unsubscribe link, as shown above.

  • You have a Contact email address in Settings > Business Setup > Locations. This email address will be used as the reply-to address if a client replies to one of your marketing emails.

    • If you have multiple locations and a client replies to one of your marketing emails, the reply-to address will be the Contact email address for the location the client visited most recently.

Learn how you can send your marketing emails from a custom email address. By default, marketing emails are sent from the domain.

After an email is sent, you can view the email's performance, such as how many emails were delivered, opened, etc.

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