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Setting Up the Mailchimp Integration

To set up the Mailchimp integration, click your profile photo in Mailchimp and select Profile.

In the Extras tab, select API keys.

Under Your API keys, click Create New Key. Enter a name for the API key, such as Mangomint, and click Generate Key.

Click Copy To Clipboard to copy the API key.

In Mangomint, go to Settings > App Manager > Mailchimp > Settings and select Edit.

Paste your Mailchimp API key and select Next.

Select the audience you want to sync with and select Save to complete the integration. If you select an audience that already has contacts, duplicate contacts will not be created since Mailchimp does not allow duplicate email addresses in the same audience. However, Mailchimp does allow an email address to be added to more than one audience. Learn more about duplicate contacts in Mailchimp.

Once the integration is complete, your current clients will be imported into Mailchimp. Any new clients added to Mangomint will be added to Mailchimp automatically.

Currently, we sync the following client details with Mailchimp:

  • Email Address

  • First and Last Name

  • Address

  • Phone Number

  • Birthday

  • Has Future Appointment

  • Active Membership (for businesses that use Memberships)

Learn how to send email campaigns to your clients using Mailchimp.

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