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How can I set up alternating hours for staff members?

You can create biweekly schedules in Mangomint for staff members who alternate hours. To do this, add a weekly shift for the staff member, and then add a time block that repeats every two weeks to override the shift accordingly.

Creating biweekly schedules

To create a biweekly schedule for a staff member, begin by adding the staff member's weekly shift.

After adding the weekly shift, override the shift by adding a time block that repeats every two weeks. For example, if the staff member only works every other Monday, you would block their entire Monday shift every other week.

To add a time block that repeats every two weeks, locate the staff member on the calendar and select the start date/time for the time block. Select Create time block.

Select a duration for the time block. Enter a reason for the time block, such as Biweekly schedule. Select Create Time Block.

Once the time block is created, select Make Repeating from the "..." menu.

Enable the Repeat this time block toggle and select Every 2 weeks. Select Save.

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