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Flow Message Types

When you add an email or text message to a flow, you need to specify the message type for each message.

The message type will determine from which phone number texts are sent.

ImportantSelecting an appropriate message type for text messages is important if clients unsubscribe. Clients may accidentally unsubscribe from all appointment-related text messages (booking confirmations, reminders, etc.) if you don’t send a text from the appropriate number.

Non-marketing messages

If the message is a non-marketing message, select the first option (Appointment-related, Sale-related, etc).

You can use this option if the message:

  • Is sent within 14 days of when the flow run started

  • Contains information related to the flow trigger (e.g. appointment-related information)

Non-marketing messages


Text messages

Non-marketing texts will be sent from the same phone number as your automated text messages and Two-Way Texting. Because of this, if a client unsubscribes from one of these texts, they will unsubscribe from all appointment-related texts (booking confirmations, reminders, etc).


Non-marketing emails will be sent from the same email address as your email campaigns. If you set up a custom email address, the custom email address will be used to send the emails. If a client unsubscribes from one of these emails, they will unsubscribe from all appointment-related emails (booking confirmations, reminders, etc).

You can manage a client’s message preferences in their client details.

Clients must have appointment-related messages enabled in their client details to receive non-marketing messages sent via a flow.

Marketing messages

If the message is a marketing message, select the Marketing option.

You can use this option if the message:

  • Is sent outside the 14-day window of when the flow run started

  • Contains marketing information that is not related to the flow trigger (e.g. special offers or promotions)

Marketing messages


Text messages

Marketing texts will be sent from a marketing phone number that is different from the phone number you use for automated text messages and Two-Way Texting. You must register for a marketing phone number to send marketing texts. If a client unsubscribes from one of these texts, they will unsubscribe from all marketing texts.


Marketing emails will be sent from the same email address as your email campaigns. If you set up a custom email address, the custom email address will be used to send the emails. If a client unsubscribes from one of these emails, they will unsubscribe from all email campaigns and marketing flow emails.

You can manage a client’s message preferences in their client details.

Clients must have marketing messages enabled in their client details to receive marketing messages sent via a flow.

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