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FAQ: Email Marketing

Why are only some of my clients eligible to receive marketing emails?

When you specify the recipient list for a marketing email, you may notice that only a portion of your client list is eligible to receive marketing emails.

Clients are only eligible for marketing emails if any of the following are true:

  • The client has booked an appointment, completed a sale, or filled out a form within the last two years.

  • The client was previously subscribed to your marketing emails sent from another booking software or marketing platform (including our Mailchimp integration) and their previous email subscriptions have been verified and approved by the Mangomint team.

You can see if a client is eligible for marketing emails by going to the client details. This is also where you can subscribe and unsubscribe a client from marketing emails.

Can I switch to Email Marketing instead of using your Mailchimp integration?

Yes, you can switch to Email Marketing instead of using our Mailchimp integration. You can also use both features if needed.

Our Email Marketing feature gives you more powerful options for filtering your client list. Learn more about the available client filters and pricing for Email Marketing.

Can I automatically subscribe clients to marketing emails?

Clients are automatically subscribed to marketing emails for two years after the date they complete any of the following:

  • Book an appointment

  • Complete a sale

  • Fill out a form

What happens if a client unsubscribes from my marketing emails or marks them as spam? Will it affect my automated messages such as appointment reminders?

If a client unsubscribes from your marketing emails, they will still receive automated messages since automated messages are sent from a different domain. If a client marks your marketing emails as spam, they will be automatically unsubscribed from your marketing emails.

Can I send marketing emails from a custom email address?

Yes, you can send marketing emails from a custom email address.

How do I duplicate or delete a marketing email?

You can duplicate a marketing email from both the Sent and Draft status.

To duplicate a Sent email, select the email on the Email Marketing screen and select Duplicate from the "..." menu.

To duplicate a Draft email, select the email on the Email Marketing screen and select Duplicate from the "..." menu.

To delete a Draft email, select the email on the Email Marketing screen and select Delete from the "..." menu.

How do I cancel a scheduled marketing email?

To cancel a scheduled campaign, select the campaign on the Email Marketing screen and select Cancel from the "..." menu.

When a scheduled campaign is canceled, it is changed to a Draft status.

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