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Viewing Form Submissions and Resubmitting Forms

Once a form is submitted, you can view the form submission. If a mistake was made on a form submission, the form submission can be deleted. This allows the form to be resubmitted.

Viewing form submissions

To view form submissions, you must be an Admin user, or you must have the permission to view form submissions enabled in Staff Member settings.

If a staff member has the Can access client's contact details permission disabled, they will not see client emails or phone numbers on form submissions.

Appointment details

In the appointment details, select a form submission to view the responses.

Client timeline

On the client timeline, locate a form submission and select Show details to view the responses.

Form Submissions screen

The Form Submissions screen lists all client, staff member, and external form submissions. Select a form submission to view the responses.

Resubmitting forms

Staff members can save their progress on a form before submitting the form.

Once a form is submitted, it cannot be edited. However, if a mistake was made on a form submission, the form submission can be deleted. This allows the form to be resubmitted.

If a client form submission is deleted, the form will be included again in automated messages.

To delete a form submission, select Delete from the "..." menu.

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