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Phone Numbers

Phone numbers are used for automated text messages and Two-Way Texting. To manage your phone numbers, go to Settings > Business Setup > Phone Numbers.

By default, your account includes one phone number. This phone number is used for all your locations.

If you have multiple locations, you can add additional phone numbers. This allows each location to have its own number. You can also assign multiple locations to the same number.

Using additional phone numbers can be helpful if you have:

  • Locations in different area codes

  • Staff members who should only have access to conversations for specific locations. By assigning locations to different phone numbers, staff members will only have access to conversations for the locations that are enabled for them in Settings > Staff Members > Locations.

Adding phone numbers

If you have multiple locations, you can use multiple phone numbers.

The amount of phone numbers you can add is the same as the amount of physical and virtual locations you have. For example, if you have two locations, you can have a maximum of two phone numbers.

To add a phone number, go to Settings > Business Setup > Phone Numbers and select Add a phone number.

Specify your preferred area code and then select a phone number from the available options.

Once you select a phone number, assign it to one or more locations.

To change the assigned locations for a phone number, select Assign locations from the "..." menu.

Learn more about managing your messages once you’ve assigned locations to different phone numbers.

Changing phone numbers

If you need to change a phone number, go to Settings > Business Setup > Phone Numbers and select Change number from the "..." menu.

ImportantIf you change a phone number, the previous number will stop working immediately. You will not be able to restore the previous number.

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