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How to Process Partial Refunds

This article covers how to process a partial refund with Mangomint Pay. To process a full refund with Mangomint Pay, follow these steps.

There are two important steps to process a partial refund. The first step is to refund the payment, which returns the funds to the client. The second step is to update the original sale, which ensures you have accurate reports.

Step 1: Refunding the payment

Go to the Sales screen and select the sale to refund.

Select View Details from the "..." menu next to the payment.

Select Refund from the "..." menu.

Enter the partial refund amount and select Refund.

Step 2: Updating the original sale

After refunding the payment, update the original sale to ensure you have accurate reports.

Go to the Sales screen and select the sale that was partially refunded.

Select Reopen from the "..." menu.

Update the price to reflect the refunded amount. In this example, we completed a partial refund of $75. We will need to change the original price from $130 to $55.

Select Go To Payments.

Select Other. Enter any additional notes and select Add to update the sale.

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